


Announcer: 引き続き Unknown をどうぞ。

[John breathing heavily]

[Whir of drill]すぐにでもな

John: 偽の医者どもが俺を混乱させようとしていた。薬漬けにして、俺がJohn

[He steals the drill from the doctor]

Doctor 1:
of drill being used]

Doctor 2:
よ〜し、落ち着くんだ…落ち着けよ…それを渡してくれ、いい子だからな。[Whir of
drill]おい!こっちに寄るな!やめ…ああぁぁぁあ! [Sound of drill being used]


死ガ来ルゾ!ヤッテ来ルゾ!彼ガ来ルゾ!逃ゲロ!逃ゲロ!アァアアァ[Sound of
drill being used]

Other patient: 内臓だ!内臓だ!ああああ![Sound of drill being used]

[Lords and Ladies]

Announcer: 「Lords and

Lord Valentine:

Lord Jack: Over my dead body, brother. That harlot will never soil
our family name. You have no right to call yourself a

Lord Valentine: I am here to do the duty of a sheriff's heir. You
have insulted my lady for the last time, my lord.
I demand satisfaction.

[They draw their swords]

Lord Jack: お望みならばな、弟よ!剣を抜け!

Lady Amelia: やめて、王よ!このような事では何も解決しないわ。

[Swords clanking throughout]

Lord Jack: Villian!

Lady Amelia: 王よ、お願いです!

Lord Valentine: My Lord, brother, heed her words, maybe we can
yet solve this peacefully.

Lord Jack: Have at thee!

Lord Valentine: No!

[Jack gets run through]

Lady Amelia: My Lord!

Lord Jack: 兄弟よ!?何て事を?兄弟よ…私を斬ったな。

[He falls to the ground]

Lady Amelia: My Lord, we are lost.

Lord Valentine: My

Announcer: CM後の「Lords and Ladies」をお楽しみ下さい。

[Captain Baseballbat-Boy]

Announcer: Captain Baseballbat-Boyの大冒険!第167話。

[Maxwell's Demon laughs]

Announcer: Maxwell's DemonはBicycle

Captain Baseballbat-Boy: 走者満塁、速球! [Laser beam]

Russian 1: [Laughs]

Russian 2: チク、タク、チク、タク…ドカーン![Laughs]

Captain Baseballbat-Boy: グランドスラムだ!

Announcer: こうしてCaptain
Baseballbat-BoyはDemonの罠を脱しましたが、Maxwell's Demonの魔の手からBicycle
but can he save Bicycle Helmet-Girl before Maxwell's Demon
turns the world into a dreaded close system? [Maxwell's
Demon laughs] A hollywood franchise that goes propetroly
on forever?

[Theme song]

Announcer: 次週のCaptain Baseballbat-Boyの大冒険をお楽しみに!

[Lords and Ladies]

Announcer: And now, Lords and Ladies continues.

Lady Amelia: My Lord.

Lord Valentine: I have slain my brother. All is lost. I am a lord no more.

Mama: Men, capture them!

Guard: Your word is our command, my Lady.

Lord Valentine: Mama!

Mama: Yes, good, good. My precious boy, a noble lord, is dead, a vile
crime against our illustrious name. A crime that shall not go

Lady Amelia: My Lord!

Lord Valentine: Unhand her, you brutes!

Mama: Yes, good, good. Men, let her go.

Guard: Aye, my Lady.

Mama: Good, good, my dear girl, you seem faint, do sit down, rest.
Here, a glass of wine, drink. It will bring color back to your

Lady Amelia: Thank you, my Lady.

Lord Valentine: No! Do not drink, my Lady!

Mama: Valentine!

Lady Amelia: My Lord!

Lord Valentine: Allow me. Mama, I drink to the memory of my brother.
My Lady, I drink for you.

Mama: No, my son! That is not for you. Men, stop him!

[He drinks]

Lord Valentine: Too late! I have swallowed the bitter poison. I am dead
so that my lady can live. With this deed, I prove myself
a lord.

Lady Amelia: My Lord?

[Valentine throws the wine into the fireplace and a fire breaks out]

Mama: No! Fire! Fire is loose!

Lady Amelia: My Lord!

Lord Valentine: My Lady! Go! Run! Live!

[She runs]

Lord Valentine: Mama. You... are... no... LADY!

Mama: No! No, my son! No! Ahh! [She catches on fire]

[Crashing of wood and shattering of glass]

[Dick Justice]

Announcer: 暴力に満ちた夜の闇に行き詰ったDick

[Theme music ends]

Dick Justice:

Bad guy: Dick Justiceだ!殺っちまえ!ポリ公をぶっ殺せ!


Dick: あんたの公判については市の死体安置所でやってやるよ。


Bad guy: Ahh!

Dick Justice:

[Theme music]

[Max Heat]

Announcer: ではMax Heatお楽しみください!


[The girl is sucking on her finger]

[Pants unzip]


[Music starts]

Girl: Oh, oh, oh, oh yes, oh yes, yes, oh yes, oh, oh give it to me,
oh give it to me, oh, oh, oh yes give it to me, oh baby, oh it
feels so good, oh yes don't stop, oh don't stop, oh yes, oh
give it to me, give it to me, oh, oh baby.

Anouncer: Max HeatとLaura Norderの熱さの限界値は7にまで達しています。


Announcer: The mind-bending finale in our Return to Sender-marathon. The
last episode of Address Unknown ever.

John: The poet Pool, やつの詩には

[Phone rings]

John: 俺はヤツになってしまった、John

[He picks up the phone]

John Mirra: John Mirraか?

John: あぁ、こいつがその当人だよ。

John Mirra: こちらはJohn Mirraだ。次のレベルへようこそ。

John: [Gasping, frightened] あぁあ、ぁあ、あ。