Part 2. 二者択一 ------ Chapter.5 - 窓の外へ



(Mona) えぇ、その通りね、あなたは確かにイカれてるわ。私は逃亡者なのよ、Max。拘置所から脱走してきたばかりだもんね

(Max) こんなことを頼むのは-

(Mona) 地獄に堕ちなさい、Max[To herself] ばか


[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Mona, I know this sounds crazy, but I need you to go and call the cops. I need them here.

Mona: You're right. You are crazy. I'm a fugitive, Max. I just escaped from custody.

Max: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't n-

Mona: Go to hell, Max. [To herself] Bastard.



(Mona) Max?何が起きているの?

(Max) ビル全体が爆発してるんだよ!

(Mona) Max? [To herself] まったく!



[Mona calls Max over the radio]

Mona: Max? What's going on?

Max: The building's blowing up, that's what's going on!

Mona: Max? [To herself] Damn you.



(Mona) Max?Max?何が起きているの?



[Mona calls Max on the radio]

Mona: Max? Max? What's happening?



(Mona) Max?Max?



[Max jumps out the window and falls to the ground]

Max Payne: Throw the rules out the window, odds are you'll go that way too.

Mona: Max? Max?

Max Payne: This hadn't been my first fall of the night, still just a prelude to the real deal, still, a long way to the bottom.

(兵士) いたぞ、こっちだ!

(Mona) Max、敵よ

(Max) Mona、連中を片付けてくれ。時間を稼いで欲しい。



Commando: There! Come on!

Mona: Max, company.

Max: Mona, you have to take them out, buy me time.

Max Payne: I couldn't live without her.


(Max) よし、仕事に戻った。何か妙案は?

(Mona) 中に入ってきて、私の方に向かって


[After you kill the first bunch of Commandos]

Max: Okay, back in business. Any ideas?

Mona: Try to head inside, head my way.

Maxを撃った場合 4つのうちのどれかを言う

(Max) Mona! 君は役に立ってない。

(Max) ちくしょう、Mona!連中の仕事の片棒を担ぐのはやめろ。

(Max) Mona! 注意して発砲しろ。

(Max) Mona! 今見えるレザージャケットの男。彼は君が撃つべきでない唯一のものだ。


Mona! You're not Helping.

Damn it, Mona! Stop doing their job them.

Mona! Watch your fire.

Mona! The guy in the leather jacket in your scope right now. he's the only one you're not supposed to shoot.




(Max) だめだ、ドアはロックされてる。次の扉までいくのに広場を突っ切る必要がある。援護してくれ


[Max tries the door]

[Max calls Mona on the radio]

Max: No good, the door is locked. I need to get across the courtyard to the next door. I need you to cover me.

(Mona) Max、ここからではよく狙えないわ。もっといい場所に移動するのに引き返さないといけないわ。

(Max) 俺が急いでないみたいだな

(Mona) 冗談でも言い合うつもり?それともすぐに向かってほしいの?

(Max) 行ってくれ!

(Mona) そう言うと思った


Mona: Max, I can't get a good shot from here. I'll have to backtrack through the building to get a better view.

Max: It's not like I'm in a hurry.

Mona: Do you want us to crack jokes about it, or do you want me to go?

Max: Go!

Mona: Thought so.




Max Payne: I was in trouble. I could only hope that Mona would find an opening with a view down to the yard to take out the Commandos out in time.

Max Payne: Without Mona's help, I'd be a dead man. Suddenly, for the first time in I don't know how long, I realized, I didn't wish to be



(Max) Mona、急かすつもりはないんだが。

(Mona) 見渡すことのできる窓を探してるわ。


(Max) Mona、追い詰められ始めているし、連中は弾切れを起こしそうにも無い

(Mona) まだ窓を探してるわ。


(Max) まだ、窓は見つからないのか?この事については、少しばかり要求を下げてみたらどうだい、お前さん?

(Mona) 窓でなければ駄目よ。次善のものを受け入れないほうがいいわよ、Max。


[If you take too long to get to the window, Max gets impatient]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Mona, don't mean to rush you.

Mona: Looking for a window with a view.

[If you still take longer]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Mona, I'm running out of time here, and they don't seem to be running out of ammo.

Mona: Still looking for that window.

[If you still take longer]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Still no window, huh? Maybe we should lower our expectations on this, sweetheart?

Mona: It's gotta be a window. Never settle for second best, Max.


(Mona) Max、血路は開いたわ。

(Max) 移動する、援護してくれ。


[When you kill the rest of the Commandos]

[Mona calls Max over the radio]

Mona: Max, the route's clear.

Max: I'm moving. Cover me.


(Max) 何だかやり直しのように聞こえるかもしれないが、連中に足止めを食らってる

(Mona) 取り掛かるわ。反対側までいくのに足場を周ってくる


[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: This is going to sound like a rerun, but they've got me pinned down here.

Mona: I'm on it. I'll circle to the scaffolding on the other side of the yard.



Max Payne: I was running out of time. I kept my eyes on the scaffolding, hoping to see Mona there.


(Max) Mona、俺じゃないが、連中も心配し始めてる。連中はお前に会いたくて仕方ないみたいだぞ。

(Mona) 期待して私を待ってればいいわ。すぐ足場に着く


(Max) Mona、今が入場してくるいい頃合なんじゃないのか

(Mona) 足場に注目して方がいいわよ、Max。でないと見逃すかも

[If you still take longer]


(Max) 別の場所まで通路が見える。最後の狙撃手をやり過ごせるかもしれん。一つ賭けてみようと思う


[If you take too long to get to the window, Max gets impatient]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Mona, it's not me, but the guys are getting anxious, they're really looking forward to seeing you.

Mona: I'm worth the wait. I'll be on that scaffolding in a sec.

[If you still take longer]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: Mona, NOW, would be a good time to make an entrance.

Mona: Just keep your eyes on the scaffolding, Max, or you might miss it.

[If you still take longer]

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: I can see a gateway to another yard. I think I can get past the last sniper. I'm making a run for it.


(Mona) Max、到着したわ。


[When you get to the window]

[Mona calls Max over the radio]

Mona: Max, I'm here.


'(Max) ドアに関しては運が無いな。別の場所まで通路がある。何とかやってみる

(Mona) 了解、ならそこで落ち合いましょう


(Max) Mona、いいものを見つけた


[Max calls Mona over the radio]

Max: No luck with the door. There's a gateway here that leads to another yard. I'll try that.

Mona: Okay, I'll work my way through the building and meet you there.

[Max calls Mona over the radio]

[Max's health resets]

Max: Mona, found something to keep me on my feet through this.

(Mona) Max、通路を見つけたわ。そっちに向かうわ


Mona: Max, I found a way, I'm coming.