Part 2. 二者択一 ------ Chapter.3 - 爆破

(清掃員1) この洗剤についてなんだが、使わない方が- 彼はMaxを見つける
おい!あそこにいたぞ!捕まえろ!ヤツを捕まえろ! 清掃員たちがMaxに向かって発砲する。


(清掃員1) あぁ、ヤバい!逃げろ、逃げるんだ! そういうと清掃員たちは走り去る



Cleaner 1: This cleaner stuff's made me think. Didn't use- [He sees Max] Hey! There he is! We got him! We got him! [They shoot at Max]

Cleaner 2: No! Stop! The room's full of explosives! Stop shooting!

Cleaner 1: Aw, shit! Run! Run! [They run away]



(Mona) Max?何が起きているの?

(Max) ビル全体が爆発してるんだよ!


[Mona calls Max over the radio]

Mona: Max? What's going on?

Max: The building's blowing up, that's what's going on!



(Mona) Max?Max?何が起きているの?


[Lots of explosions]

[Mona calls Max on the radio]

Mona: Max? Max? What's happening?



Mona: Max? Max? Come in, can you hear me?

(Mona) Max!Max!答えて!Max!


Mona: Max! Max! Answer me! Max!